About Us
Greetings from the Staff at DataView Tax Service!! Our web designer, site designer, writer, proof reader, editor, publisher, graphics and animation artist, site reviewer, marketing specialist, traffic analyst, chief cook, bottle washer and keyboard duster all welcome you to our little corner of the World Wide Web.
Ummm…..Ok, I confess, I was going to try to say something cute like “I fill all of those positions myself”, but actually I couldn’t have accomplished anything without the help of my wife, Sandy Sustar. And we wouldn’t be a very successful company but for the help of our sons, Shannon and Jason Sustar and our daughters Alicia Jarvis & Stephanie Sustar
We’ve been a family owned tax preparation firm since 1974. We started out as Sustar Tax Services and changed our name to DataView Tax Service back in 1982. We have been serving the Wayne County area for over three decades. Take a look at our “Services We Provide” page to see some of the things we can do for you.