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Money Fitness Show

Show #1 – Common Questions by Clients

Show #2 – Qualifying For Earned Income Credit – and – How Much Do I Need To Retire

Show #3 – The Difference Between An IRA and a ROTH IRA

Show #4 – Electronic Filing – and – What Sets DataView Apart from other firms

Show #5 – Credit Card Settlements – and – Bunching Itemized Deductions

Show #6 – Tax Avoidance

Show #7 – Tax Advice by Investment Advisors – Being Your Own Advisor

Show #8 – How Much Can I Give Away – and – Cost Basis

Show #9 – How Much Of An Inheritance Is Taxable

Show #10 – Inheritance Tax (Con’t) and Filing An Extension

Show #11 – Planning For And Living Your Retirement

Show #12 – Scams Against Seniors

Show #13 – Saving Taxes For Small Business Owners

Show #14 – The Jobs Act – and – Church/Ministers Taxes